Fertility Preservation

Freeze your probability of pregnancy

Nowadays it’s very common to be in our 30’s and 40’s and ask ourselves the question:

I want to be mother but it’s not the best moment, can I still wait?

Personal, medical or working reasons are the most common when delaying maternity. It’s important to be aware of the chances and treatments available to preserve your fertility. At Ceram we have developed a new vitrification technique for egg freezing which allows to maintain eggs frozen in the same condition for a future use.

Advantages of egg vitrification:

  • With aging our eggs are affected and damaged. Finding a pregnancy is more difficult with your own eggs after 45 years old. With egg vitrification you can ensure your eggs have a good quality and you will be able to use “younger eggs” with your DNA.
  • Pausing the biological clock. Vitrified eggs conserve their quality until the thaw takes places, avoiding that time naturally damages the eggs. With old techniques, when oocytes where frozen the water inside was crystalized. With our new technique this crystallization is avoided therefore the oocyte is conserved intact.
  • Vitrification is a fast process without complications. In 15 days you will complete your treatment, no hospitalization is needed and you wouldn’t need to interrupt your daily tasks.
  • Vitrification is a technique that assures the best survival rates when thawing.

When is vitrification recommended?

Oocyte vitrification is one of the best techniques to preserve fertility for women who are thinking on delaying a pregnancy and who wish to use their own eggs.

We recommend using this technique between 20 and 30 years old as this is the best age to ensure a good ovarian reserve.

Fertility specialists recommend preserve oocytes for medical reasons in those cases in which the ovarian reserve can be reduced due to the treatment. Vitrifying oocytes before undergoing aggressive treatments allow the patient to use them after they have recovered with assisted reproduction techniques when the couple if finding difficulties in achieving a successful pregnancy. The most common medical causes are:

  • Women who undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments.
  • Ovary surgery which can reduce the ovarian reserve such as tumors or endometriosis.

Phases in Fertility Preservation Treatment

What is the preservation or vitrification process?

The treatment has an easy process which doesn’t last more than two weeks.

  1. First consultation via Skype or in the consultation where we will solve all your doubts and questions regarding treatment.
  2. First visit at Ceram with the specialized gynecologist in fertility. During the consultation the whole process will be explained and treatment will start.
  3. During the next 10 to 12 days you will undergo gynecological controls at Ceram or in your city of residence, whatever is more convenient for you.
  4. In the second consultation at Ceram we will do the oocyte pickup in order to obtain the oocytes. This is an easy intervention which takes no more than 30 minutes.
  5. Once the oocyte pickup is finished, the laboratory selects, classifies and vitrifies the oocytes.

From the first day you will be able to have normal life, although you need to take into account that in some cases you will have discomfort in your abdomen due to the ovarian stimulation.


How long can my oocytes be vitrified?

The vitrification technique during the last few years has improved vastly. This allows a secure process ensure oocyte viability once they are thawed.

When unfreezing the oocytes we can almost have the same quality oocyte as when they were frozen.

Does the thaw affect the result?

As we know, pregnancy rates reduce with aging. One of the main factors are the quality of the oocytes which is affected by aging. When vitrifying oocytes this factor is avoided, although there are many other factor which can affect when looking for a pregnancy such as diet, smoking, or other lifestyle habits.

The embryo freezing technique and thawing show encouraging results, achieving an oocyte survival rate of 93% approximately.