Reasons to choose CERAM

The Clinic for Assisted Reproduction in Marbella has very well stablished programs which are giving very good results thanks to their organization and dynamism. These programs are specifically designed for couples with fertility problems and they are based on the protocols stablished by the Spanish Fertility Society, a public organization in which we are active members.

Personalized treatment

Our team will be with you at all times, following your progress and providing you advice on every step, so that you feel comfortable and confident during the treatment.

25 years experience

At Ceram we are pioneers in assisted reproduction techniques. Since 1993 we have been helping couples to make their dream come true.

High pregnancy rates

Thanks to the experience and professionalism of our medical team, our success rate is higher than the national average.

Modern facilities

More than 5000 square meters of facilities and state of the art fertility labs built exclusively for fertility treatments.

Latest technology

We know how important it is to use the latest techniques always, that's why we keep renewing our techniques and equipment every year.

The best medical team

Our medical team combines experience, professionalism and a human touch. Your goal is also ours goal. Together we will succeed!


Read what customers are saying.

It was a wonderful experience

I am completely satisfied and very happy with the fertility services that I received at Ceram. The whole experience starting with the coordination of events through Barbara to the consultations and procedures with Dr Benito were outstanding.  I am an International patient and it was very easy to get to the clinic with a lot of choices for lodging and beautiful surroundings.  The clinic is top notch along with great care and concern.  It was a wonderful experience.  I am thankful and grateful.  - C.L.  USA

tratamientos fiv marbella
I am completely satisfied and very happy with the fertility services that I received at Ceram. The whole experience starting with the coordination of events through Barbara to the consultations and procedures with Dr Benito were outstanding.  I am an International patient and it was very easy to get to the clinic with a lot of choices for lodging and beautiful surroundings.  The clinic is top notch along with great care and concern.  It was a wonderful experience.  I am thankful and grateful.  - C.L.  USA

Merci merci!

J'ai eux beaucoups de chance d'être si bien conseillée vers la clinique Ceram. Quelle bonheur!
Alors qu'ont vie une expérience difficile, ils ont sue apaiser mon angoisse. J'ai été merveilleusement bien accueilli. Et vite oublier que j'étais dans une clinique! Grace a leur soutien leur gentillesse et toute cette générosité, j'ai été soulager et confiante. Humainement cette clinique est un exemplaire. Je suis très reconnaissante envers le Docteur Benito qui a été d'une gentillesse irréprochable! mais surtout très professionnel .
Je ne pourrais jamais autant remercier cette merveilleuse équipe! Je dirais plutôt belle grande famille!! Merci merci Vous m'avez offert mon plus beau cadeaux de ma vie . Vous m'avez sauvé!!! Merci aux donneuses qui comprennent notre désespoir!!!
La petite parisienne vous remercie encore et encore ainsi que mon amis qui m'a conseillé de venir vers vous!!! Ont vous adore!
tratamientos fiv marbella
J'ai eux beaucoups de chance d'être si bien conseillée vers la clinique Ceram. Quelle bonheur! Alors qu'ont vie une expérience difficile, ils ont sue apaiser mon angoisse. J'ai été merveilleusement bien accueilli. Et vite oublier que j'étais dans une clinique! Grace a leur soutien leur gentillesse et toute cette générosité, j'ai été soulager et confiante. Humainement cette clinique est un exemplaire. Je suis très reconnaissante envers le Docteur Benito qui a été d'une gentillesse irréprochable! mais surtout très professionnel . Je ne pourrais jamais autant remercier cette merveilleuse équipe! Je dirais plutôt belle grande famille!! Merci merci Vous m'avez offert mon plus beau cadeaux de ma vie . Vous m'avez sauvé!!! Merci aux donneuses qui comprennent notre désespoir!!! La petite parisienne vous remercie encore et encore ainsi que mon amis qui m'a conseillé de venir vers vous!!! Ont vous adore!

Test di gravidanza positivo!

Test di gravidanza positivo! Grazie di cuore dott. Benito e staff di Ceram per rendere possibile il nostro sogno. Non é stato facile e sappiamo di aver davanti ancora un lungo cammino prima di poter tenere tra le braccia a nostro figlio, peró questo é giá il primo fantastico passo. Con affetto e gratitudine.

tratamientos fiv marbella
Test di gravidanza positivo! Grazie di cuore dott. Benito e staff di Ceram per rendere possibile il nostro sogno. Non é stato facile e sappiamo di aver davanti ancora un lungo cammino prima di poter tenere tra le braccia a nostro figlio, peró questo é giá il primo fantastico passo. Con affetto e gratitudine.
tratamientos fiv marbella


CERAM ha sido galardonada por sexto año con el premio de Atención al Paciente de WhatClinic, en su centro de reproducción asistida FIV en Marbella por su rápidez y amabilidad con los pacientes durante sus tratamientos de FIV o fertilidad en general.