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It was a wonderful experience

I am completely satisfied and very happy with the fertility services that I received at Ceram. The whole experience starting with the coordination of events through Barbara to the consultations and procedures with Dr Benito were outstanding.  I am an International patient and it was very easy to get to the clinic with a lot of choices for lodging and beautiful surroundings.  The clinic is top notch along with great care and concern.  It was a wonderful experience.  I am thankful and grateful.  – C.L.  USA


Test di gravidanza positivo!

Test di gravidanza positivo! Grazie di cuore dott. Benito e staff di Ceram per rendere possibile il nostro sogno. Non é stato facile e sappiamo di aver davanti ancora un lungo cammino prima di poter tenere tra le braccia a nostro figlio, peró questo é giá il primo fantastico passo. Con affetto e gratitudine.
